5 reasons to switch to Linux


Struggling along on your Windows-based PC and considering moving over to Linux?

Here are five reasons why you should make the switch.

1. Lots of free software available

If your PC doesn’t already have a Linux distro (the geek cool name for a particular distributed version of the operating system) installed on it, and you’re a tech-head then you can generally get the Linux operating system itself for free

If you want support and instructions on setting it up you can pay a software company for this.

However, once it’s set up and running, you’ll find a wide variety of useful software packages already available that will let you do pretty much anything you’re likely to want to do.

It’s true that there are more versions of Linux available than of Windows or Mac OS X, but you can find out more about the user-friendly Ubuntu flavour of Linux in Duncan’s How to get all the music and software you want for free and legally talk…

Geek party alert: It's 1234567890 UTC today!


For the general masses, it has to be one of the most obscure reasons to party ever, but for a true geek there’s a celebration to be had later today. Thanks to Stretchy for tipping us off about this one.

At exactly 11:31:30 GMT, the Unix time stamp will be 1234567890. Of course, those cheeky San Franciscans have decided to hold an official party from 2:31pm PST (an hour early to get the alcohol flowing), but there are other parties going on around the world. Curiously, at least according to 1234567890day.com, there are none in London at present…