How addicted are you to social networking? How addicted could you be?


You’ve got your Facebook account, only just signed up to Twitter, and have been uploading pics to Flickr since they invented the digital camera. But how much of an addict are you?

The helpful picture up above can act as a guide for anyone wanting to enter the world of social networking, by showing you just what level of interactivity you can do, for the amount of time you have. The site also claims that if you spend just 1-5 hours a week on such sites, you’re classed as a Participant, with those spending 5-10 hours a week a Content Provider, and 10-20 hours a week making you a Community Director.

Wonder what the correct term is for someone who spends 10-15 hours a day…

Is RecommendBox another social bookmarker?


“Not another social bookmarker!”, I can hear you cry out in anger. Ahh yes, technically speaking it is…but RecommendBox is different, in that you ‘recommend’ a link to your friend list, and not just ‘review’ it and give your opinion on whether it’s good or not.

Sound confusing? Well, it’s essentially still a social bookmarker – a UK one at that – but with your recommendations remaining private, it’s less pimptastic and more worthy links being promoted. Plus, the site has Amazon and Google Local APIs integrated, so when you…

Piczo launches Piczo Zone to give users even more artistic license

piczo-zone.jpgPiczo’s always been praised for allowing the creative juices to flow in teenagers, with users able to fully customise their profiles with colours, glitter and all manners of appealing-to-teens pixels. With the launch of Piczo Zone, however, the kids can really turn themselves into 21st-century Van Goghs.

This new feature allows users of the social networking site to share their content which they’ve created across various sites. The creative content designed by the young users can be found by searching the various…