Elsewhere in exciting financial news – Motorola is getting HAMMERED

motorola-profits-down-2007.jpgSo first this week we had Apple saying it’s made loads of money, then we had analysts saying Microsoft’s about to announce it’s made loads of money too. Happy days!

So where’s all this money coming from?

It’s being hacked off Motorola’s bottom line, pretty much, with the company reporting a whopping 33% drop in sales in 2007 compared to 2006, with mobile sales raking in a total of $4.8 billion…

Shiny Review: Motorola Razr²

razr222.jpg It’s Susi’s designated day to review a piece of gadgetry for your tech-starved eyes, so read on below for her thoughts regarding Motorola’s newest phone, the Razr². Takes me back to maths class with dear Mr. Hampson, having that square root ‘2’. ARGHHH!!! Take it away, Susi…

I’ve already highlighted my disappointment at the name of the Razr², or the Razr 2 as it forever will be known. I shall not bore you again. Luckily, this is one of the only failings of this phone. Let’s start with the important stuff – how pretty it is…