Final of Intel Studio fast approaching

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For the past six months or so, Intel, in conjunction with record label KIDS, has been running an unsigned bands competition. The site, at, allows bands to upload their songs, and people to rate the music that bands have already uploaded.

The top bands each month have been be invited to play live in Camden at the (lovely but expensive for drinks) Proud Galleries. The winning band each month is entered into the final, which takes place at Proud Galleries on the 3rd December. The prize is a record deal with KIDS.

64 "bloggers" arrested since 2003 – China, Iran and Egypt the worst culprits


And we think we have it tough. The worst thing that’s ever happened here at Tech Digest HQ is the occasional aggressive email from PR people pointing out the press release said eight megabits not megabytes, plus the odd Viagra spam comment to delete once in a while. We’ve never been banged up for saying iPhone’s better than the N95.

But if you’re blogging in China or Iran, about human rights issues or government corruption, it’s a tougher gig. According to the University of Washington’s latest report on the matter, half of the 64 bloggers…

Brit bloggers love Apple, BBC, Google, and M&S


British bloggers like nothing better than writing about technology and web companies, but also hold a special place for Marks & Spencer, according to a recent month-long study of 100 random bloggers — “Blogs and Brands: A Study of the British Blogosphere”.

In top place, with bloggers babbling about iPods and Macs, came Apple, followed by the BBC in second, Google in third, Facebook in fourth, Nintendo in fifth, M&S and Microsoft in joint sixth, Adobe, Sony, and YouTube in joint seventh, Sky in eighth, Nokia, IKEA, and Tesco in joint ninth, and a whole bunch of others in joint tenth place…