How likely is a Monday announcement of a European iPhone 3G?

andy-merrett.jpgAndy Merrett writes…

Now that the deal with the first US version of the iPhone is virtually tied up, the rumourmongers have turned their attentions squarely to Europe.

Yes, I’ll come out straight away and call it a rumour, because I’m not convinced that Monday will see an announcement from Apple about the European iPhone.

If I’m proved wrong next week, so be it.

Guy Kewney at has published a story claiming that Apple has struck a rather complicated deal between Vodafone, T-Mobile, and the Carphone Warehouse.

2007 Tech Trends No. 5: Touchscreens


Fourth in a series of posts highlighting Tech Digest’s pick of big technology trends for the second half of 2007…

It may have escaped your notice, but there’s a new mobile handset called the iPhone coming out this Friday. I know, you’d think someone would have publicised it. One of the most intriguing elements of Apple’s handset is its tactile touch-screen interface, which goes further than merely dabbing at buttons with a stylus, and gets you using your fingers to swipe, slide and explore.