AT&T first retailer to purchase Microsoft Surface tables, in store April 17th


Ballmer may be wanting to sell us a Surface this year, however it looks certain that the US mobile carrier AT&T will have the privilege of stocking the touch-table in branches in New York, San Francisco, Atlanta and San Antonio by April the 17th of this year.

When Microsoft first announced it in May of last year, it was promised to be in T-Mobile, Starwood Hotels, Harrah’s casinos and IGN branches by winter. Judging by the AT&T announcement, I’m guessing the deal with rival network T-Mobile didn’t follow through.

Customers in the four aforementioned branches of AT&T will be able to learn more about the available handsets…

Games consoles get 5-10 years, so says Xbox-ex Sandy Duncan

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The new Nostradamus of the computing world, Sandy Duncan, has prophesied that the end is nigh for the games console.

Mr Duncan, the former boss of Xbox Europe, said: “The industry is fundamentally driven by technology. I think dedicated games devices, i.e. consoles and handhelds, will die out in the next five to ten years.”

“I don’t think you’ll have any box at all under your TV; most of this stuff will be “virtualised” as web services by your content provider.”…

Toast One flip toaster *may* be a prototype for now, but let's petition the designer into production…


There’s something about toaster prototypes which makes my heart flutter wildly. This ‘Toast One’ concept doesn’t fail in making me all excited at perfectly-browned carbs slathered in Marmite.

The designer behind this prototype must have a problem with burnt fingers, as instead of endangering your mini-limbs poking them down the crevices in search of your bread, you can simply flip the whole unit over…

Microsoft claim Surface could be in homes by 2011


Microsoft is claiming to be able to push out a consumer version of its coffee table-cum-PC, Surface, within the next three years, lopping a couple of years off their original forecast of 2013. VP of Specialised Devices and Applicatiobs at MS, Tom Gibbons, told Fortune magazine:

“In the three-year time window, we absolutely see how to get there. If we can beat that, we’ll try to beat that.”