REVIEW: Video Games Live in London

What happens if you take a full orchestra, the sounds of Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid and Zelda, and 3000 video gamers? A really fun night out, it turns out. STEVE! #VGL #VideoGamesLive — teaandcheese (@teaandcheese) November 2, 2014 Video Games Live, the stage show created by game composer and former TV presenter Tommy…

The Digest: Microsoft unveils fitness band… and 5 other things people are talking about today

[nextpage title="Next"] Microsoft unveils $199 wearable fitness device | The BBC "Microsoft has unveiled its first wearable device that can track a user's sleep and exercise as well as connect to a health service on smartphones. The Microsoft Band will retail for $199 (£125) on the company's online store. The device can operate for two…

The Digest: Samaritans app flags worrying tweets… and 5 other things people are talking about today

[nextpage title="Next"] Samaritans app monitors Twitter feeds for suicide warnings | The BBC "Samaritans Radar uses an algorithm to identify key words and phrases which indicate distress. They include 'tired of being alone', 'hate myself', 'depressed', 'help me' and 'need someone to talk to'. Users who have signed up for the scheme will receive an…