iRobot launches ConnectR remote-controlled VoIP video robot


Having unveiled the Looj gutter-cleaning robot earlier today, iRobot has now shown off another new bot, the ConnectR. It’s a ‘virtual communication and interaction’ robot designed for families.

Basically, it hooks up to your home Wi-Fi network, and lets you dial in remotely to have videochats and VoIP calls with people in the house (or pets, weirdly – if your dog doesn’t mind woofing into a communication robot).

iRobot Looj: the robot that cleans your gutter


Still think robots aren’t useful? Check this one out. It’s called the iRobot Looj, and it cleans your gutter so you don’t have to spend half a day shinning up and down a ladder doing the job yourself.

It stands 2.25-inches high, and sweeps out dirt, leaves and other debris while you settle down for a nice cup of tea. Or, if you’re like us, gather all your neighbours round to boast about your new gutter-cleaning robot.

iPhone gets VoIP courtesy of Truphone

Consider the cat well and truly among the pigeons. VoIP firm Truphone has been showing its service working on Apple's iPhone – a development which could have serious implications for Apple's mobile operator partners.

The demonstration's taking place at the DEMOfall 07 event, and it's just a demo – Truphone isn't launching a commercial VoIP service for iPhone. Not yet. Watch Truphone's official video showing the demo below.

30 ways to tell you're Lost In Technology

lost-in-technology.jpgI love gadgets. You love gadgets. We all love gadgets. But some people go TOO FAR. They’re Lost In Technology, cutting their ties to the world of flesh and blood in favour of a silicon-packed eLife at the bleeding edge of… well, something.

Worried that you, too may fall into this category? Here’s 30 ways to tell that you’re Lost In Technology.

1. Your partner cuts up your credit cards the day of any Apple product launch, just to be sure.
2. Seperate webcams mean you’re constantly streaming on three different lifecasting websites, in a bid to make look like a no-mark amateur.
3. You bought a PS3, Xbox 360 AND a Wii, just so you could pitch into online fanboy flame wars on whichever side you liked, according to your mood.
4. You checked a domain registry before choosing the name of your unborn child, just to make sure the URL wasn’t taken.
5. Not only do you own four AIBOs, but you’ve rewired them to cook, clean and bodypop on demand.

What do Hayden Panettiere, Al Gore and OJ Simpson have in common?


No, Hayden and Al weren’t secretly involved in OJ’s Las Vegas farrago. At least, I don’t think they were. Instead, the three occupy the top slots on this week’s Lycos 50 Biggest Movers and Shakers search queries chart.

Heroes star Hayden and Eco guru Al have seen searches for them rocket by 1600% apiece, thanks to the the US debut of the new series of Heroes, and Al’s appearance before the UN to discuss climate change. OJ? Well, you know why he’s of interest to the internetweb hordes.

Robot cars with lasers spotted in… Daventry?

cybercar-daventry.jpgWho knew Northamptonshire was this exciting? The town of Daventry is currently home to a bunch of driverless cars using lasers to find their way around. They’re called Cybercars, and are being pitched as a potential way to increase the use of public transport.

It’s all part of an EC scheme called CityMobil, with the Cybercars running on a light track, and designed to be used in pedestrianised zones and tourist areas. “We can build lots more car parks and have lots more cars going in, or we can look at a viable alternative to the car,” local council leader Chris Millar tells the Beeb. “We believe this could be the answer.”

There are a few potential pitfalls though…

Apple gets legal on the asses of iPod Touch hackers

ipod-touch-hacked.jpgImagine if anyone could create applications for the iPod Touch. You’d have 17 Voice-over-IP applications released for it in the blink of an eye, and then where would the iPhone be? Well, it’d be working outside Wi-Fi hotspots, but you see my point.

Anyway, the news is that Apple is cracking down hard on hackers trying to break down the iPod Touch software in order to put third-party apps on it. One codemonkey’s already been served with a takedown notice after promising to make the device’s source code available for fellow hackers.

Blyk facing MMS problems in its launch week?

blyk_ad.jpgWe reported on the launch of ad-funded mobile network Blyk earlier this week, including an analysis of the MVNO’s strengths and weaknesses. However, among those weaknesses wasn’t ‘inability to send picture messages to other UK mobile networks’.

However, is reporting that this is the case, quoting a posting on the Blyk website that apparently warns users that users can’t send MMS messages to users on Orange, Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2 and 3 because the connections “are still under construction”, and advising them to use email to share photos instead.