Almost half of drivers not planning to shift to EV, claims study

Electric Vehicles

Cashless parking payment company RingGo recently surveyed its users to understand the evolving attitudes towards electric vehicles, only to discover that, despite growing efforts to promote cleaner driving, attitudes are not changing at pace. 

Range anxiety and cost of purchase remain the top barriers to EV adoption, with 34% saying they won’t move until the technology and charging infrastructure improves and 15% struggling to justify the cost. Almost a fifth of respondents don’t ever want to change to an EV, but this is set against another fifth who say that their next car will be one. 

Having conducted similar research in both 2019 and 2020, the prevailing feelings about EV adoption remains the same – good in theory, but harder in practice. 

“As an electric vehicle driver myself, I can very much relate to those who embrace the technology and find the driving experience itself to be very fulfilling. However, I do also understand the worries from both motorists who have already made the leap and those thinking about it with regards to the supporting infrastructure,” Peter O’ Driscoll, UK Managing Director, RingGo.

“Not only do we need to come together as an industry and government to provide the physical infrastructure that makes up charging points, but we also need to ensure that access and payment options are user friendly. There needs to be a consolidation initiative where companies and the public sector work together to create universal payment options for public charging. Only when this is in place can we truly push forward with mass electric vehicle adoption.”

The Demographic Difference 

The lines between those embracing EVs and those turning away from them are split along different demographics. Almost four-fifths of those that already own EVs are male. Additionally, almost three quarters are between the ages of 35-55 years old and 60% earn over £50,000 a year. 

Despite a worry around the initial price of the vehicle itself, 42% of EV owners noted that the biggest reason for purchase was to save money on running costs. This, combined with the overwhelming majority (95%) of EV drivers believing it was the right thing to do, tipped the scales for most. 

Infrastructure Still Lacking

For many, the concerns around charging don’t just focus on travel, but also arise when at home.  One-third of respondents said the biggest concern in shifting to an electric vehicle came from having nowhere to charge it at home, while almost half (48%) said that the availability of charging while travelling was more of a worry.

This sentiment was even echoed by those already driving EVs with numerous calls to create a more coherent charging infrastructure, enabling drivers to ditch the dozens of apps they currently must download in favour of one universal system. 

Figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders show that while EVs are making strides with more and more on the road, petrol and diesel vehicles still retain the lion’s share of the market, with over 50% of new car registrations.


Chris Price
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