PayPal support headed to Xbox Live UK, PSN users weep softly
Microsoft have just announced details of the next Xbox Live update to hit their Xbox 360 console.
First up is the news that PayPal payments will now be accepted in international markets for Xbox Live content. While US subscribers can already purchase Microsoft Points, games and movie rentals using their PayPal accounts, the feature now goes worldwide.
Secondly, the update will allow Xbox 360 consoles to be compatible with the Xbox Game Disc Format (XGD3), giving developers an extra gigabyte or so of storage space with which to flesh their games out.
Lastly, and potentially coolest of all, is the roll-out of Avatar Kinect features, demoed in the video above. First shown at CES back in January, it allows even minute facial movements to be picked up by Microsoft’s motion sensor, and is expected to be used in some sort of virtual chat environment.
Hitting Xbox 360 consoles in a series of instalments between the 19th and 30th of May, the new features, particularly the PayPal one, must feel like rubbing salt into Sony’s wounds right now, given the recent PSN hack and potential loss of users’ credit card details that went along with it.
Then probably you can go for a tarot card reading session
Just imagine this way ok. You go and pick up your new car, You have waited a long time for this new thing in your life, Dreaming saving. That day comes, You get 5 years in to enjoying this new expensive toy, And the company who made it there entire system, Call center, Support lines EVERYTHING go’s down, Like they don’t give a crap. Other company’s who make products for that new car, Stop making stuff for it and life seems a little shity. On the other hand mean while, The car company who made your next door neighbour’s car (Ford360) is Fine, Doing well, ticking over, Making profit so on, so on. All you psn,psp,ps3 ball bags are Quick to slag off 360 but its the one winning, Selling & has a working network. lol
What would you all do if Sony stopped PS3 you’d be right down to Game-station buying a 360. Get a life
Just imagine this way ok. You go and pick up your new car, You have waited a long time for this new thing in your life, Dreaming saving. That day comes, You get 5 years in to enjoying this new expensive toy, And the company who made it there entire system, Call center, Support lines EVERYTHING go’s down, Like they don’t give a crap. Other company’s who make products for that new car, Stop making stuff for it and life seems a little shity. On the other hand mean while, The car company who made your next door neighbour’s car (Ford360) is Fine, Doing well, ticking over, Making profit so on, so on. All you psn,psp,ps3 ball bags are Quick to slag off 360 but its the one winning, Selling & has a working network. lol
What would you all do if Sony stopped PS3 you’d be right down to Game-station buying a 360. Get a life
Why on earth would anybody be upset by not having such a despicable service on the psn. For some reason I have always despised PayPal.
The PS3 has brought nothing but joy since the day I bought it. The only complaint I could ever think of is that they don’t release demos often enough.
As for avatars…please. Battlefield / Hot Pursuit & Projector…nothing else required other than psn to be back online. No rush though, I have not finished painting my living room 😛
Quit talking *hite you and get your fact right ps3 has 80 million psn network subscribers alone and 25 million to there Pc side. that does’nt include the people who have not signed up to playstation network. it’s still got nearly 5 times as many people online than Microsoft. Even if they where to lose 10o/o that’s still around 90 million witch would be highly unlikely in any case. in my opinion I think Sony will be just fine and come out of this ok the majority of people understand this is a difficult situation,and can see they are trying and are going to be giving free games I was with 360 from start till 6 months ago I can honestly say psn network it’s much better no more screaming kids on it it’s free and it improves all the time.. And these are just the kind of people who will be jumping ship,good riddance.I would say they could have been much better at discussing with customers how things where going on that side of things they have been terrible people just want to know when it’s going to be up.
I’m not really weeping just enjoying the nice weather.
Now it seems as if third-party companies are beginning to abandon the PS3 since the PSN no longer exists. Looks like the end of the PlayStation era. The console war has now come down to Microsoft vs. Nintendo.
What a stupid comment Joe.
Stupid jerk. Go to hell.
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