REVIEW: Portal 2 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

The original Portal was a cult smash, turning legions of shooter fans away from their AK-47s and making them don their thinking caps instead. A fiendishly inventive puzzler, it was also hilariously written, with each enigma solved bringing you one step closer to yet another killer punchline. It was a magic formula, and one that many argued would not serve a sequel well. Can Portal 2 live up to its lofty predecessor?

REVIEW: Motorola XOOM Honeycomb tablet

The Motorola XOOM is a fairly tricky device to review. On the one hand, you have a high-spec tablet device that's packed full of enough features to really give the Apple's iPad a run for its money. On the other hand, as the first tablet to hit the market with the Honeycomb OS, it's very much a guinea pig for Google's newly-focussed tablet assault with Android. As a result, it's just as much a critique of the OS (which Motorola likely had very little input with) as it is the device itself, and in many respects can therefore act as a glimpse as to what to expect from Android tablets in the future. Is the XOOM's hardware/OS combo enough to topple Apple's "magical" slate?