Could next-gen Ovi store be Nokia's big news this week?

Mobile phones, Tech Digest news

OviNokia are planning to hold a press conference in London this coming Thursday, which promises to reveal “big news” relating to their Ovi services.

Executive Vice President Anssi Vanjoki has confirmed his attendance, suggesting that the “big news” may not be mere carrot dangling, but a genuinely interesting announcement.

Could Nokia be preparing to unveil the second generation of their Ovi Store?

Back in December George Linardos, Nokia’s Vice President of Product/Media revealed that “[…]there’s been this new platform being built in the background, which we’ll be talking about in the next couple of months and launching in the Spring with what we’re calling 2.0.”

Linardos continued: “It’s being built from scratch with a few legacy components, which will be phased out over the course of 2.1 and 2.2. So it’ll probably be about 75% from scratch, and three or four months after that it will be 100%.”

Whatever the case may be, we’ll have all the info ready for you on Thursday, so head back then for more details.

Via: Mobile Ent

Gerald Lynch
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