3GSM 2007: FunkySexyCool is like MySpace meets Am I Hot Or Not… on your phone

3GSM 2007, Mobile phones, Web 2.0

funkysexycool.jpgFew of the mobile social networking companies at 3GSM are offering users prizes for being attractive. One who is, though, is FunkySexyCool, an Australian mobile community with over 200,000 users posting profiles and voting on one another’s purdyness. The company just signed a deal with a company called Hands-On Mobile to bring it to the UK.

Hands-On has also announced its own YouTube-beater, a mobile service called Phame TV that lets users upload video clips from their mobile, and then get a cut when other users download them for 20p a pop. Find out more about both FunkySexyCool and Phame TV over on Techscape’s interview with Hands-On’s Eric Hobson.

Stuart Dredge
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