Bluebird keeps tabs on your luggage


Now that August is upon us, it’s time for the inevitable package trips abroad with the family. And what could be better after a nice relaxing holiday, than the joyful experience of going through arrivals and collecting your luggage from the carousel?

Well, soon you may not have to stand there with all the other freezing cold, short-wearing, lobster-faced brits as you wait forever for your bags to arrive. The Bluebird is a Bluetooth luggage tag that will send a signal to your mobile phone to let you know that your suitcase is nearby. So long as you’re sat near enough, you can just wait for it to give you the signal before you bustle your way into the melee. More than one tag can be paired with your phone, so you can attach a Bluebird to all your bags.

The Bluebird also has the potential to store unlimited types of contact information, so that your bag can be tracked down if it goes missing. It’s still in development at the moment, but the little tag has already won a design award, so there’s a good chance it may appear for sale one day. Then there really will be Bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover. …sorry, couldn’t resist.


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