Fusion's Freeview box with 7 day guide

Home cinema, TVs

At last a digital terrestrial set-top box with a 7 day electronic programme guide (EPG) rather than the near useless ‘now and next’ facility. According to ERT magazine, the new £79.99 Digifusion FRT100 carries a full seven day guide for the 30 digital terrestrial channels, 20 radio stations as well as Freeview’s interactive services.

This is because Fusion, the company behind the revolutionary box, uses its own bandwidth to provide an EPG rather than relying on the Freeview consortium (BBC, Sky and Crown Castle) to pull its finger out. Freeview has been promising a 7 day EPG virtually since the day it launched, but it’s yet to happen. Without a full EPG there is virtually no hope of hard drive products for DTT being able to rival Sky+ as consumers are unable to program automatic recordings in advance.

Fusion’s TV guide also offers additional features including a TV calendar and a personal reminder service. Other products lined up from Fusion include a £249 PVR featuring 40Gb hard drive (due out in February), a 28inch widescreen IDTV (first quarter) and a range of LCD products (second quarter).

Fusion was set up last Spring by Pace founder Barry Rubery and Turkey’s Beko. For more information go to http://www.fusiondigitec.com

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One thought on “Fusion's Freeview box with 7 day guide

  • The Fusion boxes may have 7 day EPG, but the units don’t have an events timer option (on/off) so you can’t set it to record when you’re not at home. Big disadvantage. Also Digifusion tell me the tv/vcr outputs are non user selectable between composite video/rgb/s-video. I could only get rgb which gave almost a black picture, had to double the brigthness level each time to watch digital.

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