German Wikipedia trials approval system in attempt to thwart vandals


Think of Wikipedia and what comes to mind? Articles containing less than accurate information, personal opinion, propaganda, and vandalism, perhaps?

Vandals have long plagued the open editing system that underlies the Wikipedia system. The strength of allowing contribution from the masses is also a downfall as people hijack articles for their own causes or amusement.

Now, the German version of Wikipedia wants to fight back, and is to begin trials of a moderation system that will keep page edits private until a “checker” reviews and approves it…

The 19th Century got Impressionism, we get Suck UK graffiti trains at Firebox

And politicians wonder why this country is going to the dogs! When companies like Suck UK and Firebox are flogging trains you can graffiti yourself, there’s little wonder kids do this to trains nowadays. I just realised how much I’m beginning to sound like Jack Thompson, argh.

Still, even if they are possibly encouraging kids to vandalise public transport, these graffiti trains from Firebox do look like fun, and will allow you to live out the life of Banksy in your very own house. Each train is like a blank canvas…