Palm Pre to be released in US on 6th June


We’ve seen the unboxing videos, we’ve seen the UI demos, we’ve heard all the rumours – 5th June, 8th June. Well, it’s finally official the Palm Pre will be released stateside on the 6th of June for £199 yankeedoodle money, on a two year contract with Sprint.

Surely it can’t be long after that until the sleek little sod gets to these shores.

My iPhone is getting nervous. Yeah you should be getting nervous you take-too-long-to-boot-up, crap battery, rip off! No I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry, I love you, you know I do. Don’t be like that.

Who wants a Palm Pre? Leave a reason why you most deserve a Palm Pre in the comments, I’ll decide a winner, and I’ll send them a prize in the post. The prize is a pencil. Not a Tech Digest pencil. Just a pencil. A plain HB pencil. A blunt one.

(Via Engaget)

Palm Pre unboxing VIDEO

It’s real. It has to be. It sounds like they’re at a trade show and those people have got name tags and everything. That’s way too much budget for someone making a fake Palm Pre unboxing video.

If you’re into packaging, you might be interested in the leaflets, the use of the colour orange and the fact that it’s all shaped like one of those Jawa transports. If you’re into phones, it’s probably just nice to see the thing.

(via Gizmodo)