Shiny Video Interview: Dr. Tanya Byron on the Byron Review into gaming

Dr. Tanya Byron, best known as a TV parenting shrink, has been commissioned by the UK government to conduct an independent study with a wide remit on gaming, covering whether games are harmful and if so, what can be done to protect children. Online gaming and Internet use are also covered by the study which is largely based on two “calls for evidence”. These ask adults and, most importantly, children…

Shiny Video Review: LG Swarovski fridge brings a touch of Liberace to your kitchen

There were probably more technologically advanced fridge-freezers on show at the LG launch Alex attended last night, but this was the Blingiest Fridge Ever, so it had to be featured (plus there were no fridges with LCD screens on display yet, sadly). Just in case the clamouring crowd of fridge worshippers makes her spiel hard to hear, the key words are these: Swarovski bling…