GALLERY: Our 12 favourite fake and fictional Twitterers

Ever since Twitter first emerged, there have been people creating fake accounts. Some of them are are done spitefully, while others are a little too close to their real life counterparts to be truly entertaining.

But the folks that do it right, with just enough humour to make it obvious that there’s some gentle ribbing going on… those are our favourites. In this gallery, we’re going to celebrate their contribution to the internet: celebrities, fictional characters and beloved pets await. Just click the glorious visage of Captain Jon Luc Picard to continue the tour when you’re ready to continue…

Alan Martin (@alan_p_martin)

Exploring London's highlights with Google Street View

As Dan reported yesterday, Google has quietly rolled out Street View for a select number of cities in the UK.

Of course, London is one of those included allowing us to explore our immediate surroundings without even leaving the office. Judging from a photo of outside my house, the photography is around eight months old, as I remember moving a table visible in my window shortly after moving into my flat.

Make St. Patrick's Day extra memorable with our top 10 drinking gadgets…

It’s Saint Patrick’s Day, and although that probably has some great significance to many, in my experience it’s mainly an annual excuse for people to drink heavily and wear green.

But that doesn’t mean you have to forget about tech for the day – no siree! Before you go out to celebrate one of Ireland’s patron Saints, be prepared for anything with our top 10 drinking gadgets! We’ve scoured the web for the most inventive, unusual, fun and simply baffling devices to help the day go off with a bang.

So sit back, grab a brew and click the frosty pint below to begin the tour…

Alan Martin

Introducing the Pocket Yoga – the netbook that never was

These days, with every man and his dog owning a netbook of some kind, you have to do something really special to stand out from the crowd. The Pocket Yoga seemed to have done that, kicking up a storm in the blog world – and then we found out its based on a concept from two years ago.

According to the Lenovo Design Matters Blog, all the images that appeared on their Flickr feed and got people talking about a netbook/tablet crossover are just that: images – two-year-old prototypes as a matter of fact, which would have put the company well ahead of the netbook trend. That’s a real shame because, as you’ll see from the gallery below, the pictures look like a stylish alternative to the popular smartphones of the moment. Although, that said, they clearly didn’t anticipate the handcramp that extended writing on an early netbook can give one.

So for the moment at least, you can chalk this one up to a misguided rumour. The pictures are real but they shouldn’t be amounting to much more. Pity.

To see what might have been, click the picture to look through the gallery.

Alan Martin

Lenovo’s Flickr Feed (via Design Matters)

20 years of the internet: 10 sites that changed my life


The internet is 20 years old today, and that fact made me start thinking about what the internet has given me over the years. I’m not going to get too gushy on you, I promise, but here’s ten websites that have completely changed my life.

What are the internet applications that have changed your life? Our comments box isn’t working at the moment, but you can drop us an email or a Tweet sharing your favourite sites, past and present. Please do, I’d love to hear your stories. Now, without further ado, let’s begin the in-no-particular-order list. Click on the big Hotmail logo to begin.

GALLERY: The Tech Digest take on the characters of Street Fighter IV

Word has it that Halo Wars has just knocked Street Fighter IV off the number one spot on Xbox 360 charts but, just before it disappears into the ether, I thought I’d whip up a little nostalgia for those who haven’t got round to playing the new version of the most successful fighting game ever.

I can’t tell you much about the new boys Abel, Crimson Viper, Rufus, El Fuente and whoever else Capcom has got waiting in the wings but, after years of pumping pennies at the arcade and sitting around in front of a games console, I can give you a little refresher on what the others are all about…

GALLERY: IXUS and PowerShot compact upgrades from Canon

It seems rather like HD video recording has become what makes a compact camera high spec this week which is a bit of shame given that it has little to do with taking photos. Nevertheless, even the mighty Canon has succumbed to the apparent desires of the public by announcing a relatively expensive range of Ixus models in excess of £250 in which only two feature wide angle lenses.

Mercifully, the PowerShot series holds the side up with more under the hood…

GALLERY: HP bosses to product team: "Release the mice!"

In a dark castle, somewhere in deepest Transylvania, HP’s bosses squint into a crystal ball. “What do you see?” says one. “Everyone’s in Barcelona at MWC” comes the reply. “Ah! So the last thing anyone would expect is for us to release five different mice and a webcam, with some targeted towards women!”.

Joking aside, here we’ve got four mice, a mouse-and-keyboard combo, and a webcam. They run the gamut of target audiences, from gamers to girls (not that two audiences can’t overlap) and they all look pretty, so I’ve stuck them in the gallery. Click on the flowery number below to begin.

Gallery: Facebook is five today. See how it's evolved


On Friday 4th February 2005, Facebook was born. Initially designed as a way for students to connect online, the past five years has seen it grow into a huge social network with a huge variety of people connecting with friends, relatives and complete strangers on a daily basis.

In his blog post, Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, wrote:

While we at Facebook make products that enable people to share information efficiently, Facebook is mostly the product of the people who use it. Without you and the connections you make to others, the products we create wouldn’t have much meaning. So we feel fortunate to have all of you with us. To express our appreciation, we’ve created a “Thank You” gift, which will be available tomorrow in the Facebook Gift Shop for you to to give freely to others. In the spirit of celebrating connections between people, we encourage you to use this gift to give thanks to your friends, colleagues and family members with whom you are connected on Facebook.

Take a wander through the past five years and see how Facebook has evolved…