6 LMS Features That You Should Look For


Learning management systems make it easier to deliver training resources and plan skill development within your company. 

LMS typically have a lot of potential utility, but choosing one can be challenging. Due to the abundance of available LMS features and components, it may be challenging to distinguish between those that will be helpful and those that will be distracting.

Thus, looking for the following six features in your LMS platforms before making a purchase is often considered the best. 

It Should Be Compatible With Your Remote Workforce 

The work models are rapidly evolving, and remote work is becoming more and more common. Businesses with a worldwide presence may find it challenging or even impossible to provide on-site training. To guarantee that learners always have access to the materials they require and that organisations can develop their talent anywhere in the world, an LMS must be remote or mobile-ready.

Training programs for mobile devices are particularly effective in the retail, healthcare, and construction industries because these sectors often train their employees on the job. This ensures that training is not ignored in high-impact businesses despite the pressure.

It Must Permit Smooth Data Tracking

Learning professionals can better understand how learners and courses function when they have access to stored data that enables them to track a learner’s progress. 

The recorded data makes planning and monitoring training programs simpler for L&D professionals. The training process is also sped up by identifying areas in which learners need to excel or where they need to improve. 

By classifying training materials and talent-based labelling, learning specialists may provide a more individualised learning environment.

It Must Provide Customised Learning Paths

Managing a sizable group of employees undergoing online training may seem complicated if you want to offer a more individualised experience. But it doesn’t have to be. LMS can easily handle circumstances when multiple job responsibilities overlap or people have varying skill sets, which necessitate a particular approach to training. Using an LMS, you can easily design customised learning paths.

Individualised learning paths make the process easier for administrators and employees by assisting the learning employees in comprehending a specific topic or training course. Additionally, some AI-powered LMS features increase the accessibility and personalisation of learning. 

LMS starts to identify your learners’ preferences and directs them in the appropriate direction.

LMS Should Offer Automated Alerts And Notifications

Even when using a feature-packed learning management system, managers and L&D specialists cannot assess a learner’s needs effectively without the required monitoring. Automated alerts and notifications are crucial LMS features that guarantee supervisors and instructors know how their learners are utilising and finishing course material. An LMS may give feedback to the appropriate people at the right time by informing instructors of a user’s completion rates and proactively reminding learners of their training deadlines.

Skills And Certification Tracking Feature Is A Must

For almost every type of user, skill and certification monitoring is one of the most crucial LMS components. Even while it’s fantastic to provide your personnel with training, if you don’t keep track of their skill growth, certificates, or, at the very least, course completion, you won’t have a benchmark for evaluating performance and improvement. 

You may demonstrate to your employees how quickly their efforts have paid off and provide feedback on their development by keeping track of the skills they’ve acquired and certificates they’ve obtained. 

These capabilities may further improve compliance by providing access to your completed and pending certifications via a single exportable spreadsheet.

LMS Should Include A Social Learning/Message Boards Feature

Since learning as an activity is inherently social, your LMS should have features that let your learners socialise while exchanging knowledge. This communication enhances learning and is a great way to make it simpler for your instructors.

By incorporating message boards and social learning technologies, learners can ask questions and receive answers in a forum setting. Your learners will be able to teach one another, which will help everyone understand. Additionally, it will give the learners a sense of belonging to a social learning environment.


Although developing training programs involves careful planning, several learning management systems can help. Make sure the platform you choose has all the necessary LMS capabilities to set up, manage, and perhaps even enable self-service for your team.


Tech Digest Correspondent