Tips to choosing the best keyboard for your family


  • Number of keys

Digital keyboards come in a variety of sizes with a varying number of keys. Keyboards range from 25 keys with a 2-octave range to 88 keys with a 7-octave range. The higher the number of keys, the greater the range of music produced on the keyboard. However, higher keyed keyboards also occupy a larger room. Full-sized keyboards with 88 keys tend to have similar key sizes and functionality to an acoustic piano, which enhance the quality of music produced on them.

Additionally, having a full-sized keyboard also helps users learn the correct finger spacing and scale of traditional acoustic pianos, which ensures easy adaptation to other keyboards or pianos that could replace the unit in future or be played in different locations. It is also important to have a full-sized keyboard for family use when children could be getting music lessons. Getting the children to learn their music lessons on a 88 key 7-octane keyboard will simulate an acoustic piano’s qualities. They will adequately understand how to play all pianos and keyboards afterwards without any confusion or need for adjustment. 

  • Touch sensitivity

Acoustic pianos create sound when a hammer strikes strings within the instrument. The amplitude of sound increases with the amount of force used to press the keys, increasing the speed with which the hammer strikes the strings. Digital keyboards, however, do not use strings and thus will not produce similar effects to an acoustic piano. However, some higher-end keyboards come with weighted keys, identical to keys on an acoustic piano. The strength of sound produced on a weighted keyboard is dependent on the amount of force applied to the keys. The keys also spring back up like an acoustic piano, giving an authentic piano feel. Playing on pianos with weighted keys ensures that you can appropriately adjust the softness or intensity of sound produced on the keyboard while playing, increasing the range of music playable on the keyboard. Additionally, by learning how to play on a weighted keyboard, you can get acquainted with the functionality of an acoustic piano, making it easy to adapt to the instrument when needed. 

  • Functionality

Keyboards offer a greater range of functionality compared to acoustic pianos. First, unlike pianos, they are less cumbersome to set up and move, plus they occupy less space. Additionally, the portability of keyboards adds flexibility to their use; they can get used at home, indoors or outdoors, or could even get transported to other locations. Keyboards also give better flexibility with the amount of sound produced. Unlike acoustic pianos, which will make a specific sound level regardless of the force applied, keyboards have a greater range because they can get hooked up to amplifiers and external speakers, enhancing the sound produced.

Additionally, keyboards also have headphone jacks that allow playing without causing disturbances to others within the house. It would be best to choose a keyboard with all these features, making it easier to use within a family, giving adequate functionality for different circumstances. Additionally, choose a keyboard with a greater polyphony. Polyphony is the ability of a keyboard to play more than a single note at a time. Polyphonic keyboards can play more than one note at a time, and they get classified by the number of notes that they can play simultaneously. The polyphony of a keyboard gets boosted by a sustain pedal, which you should add to the quality of sound produced.

Further, keyboards also have extra features, like playing different types of instruments on a single device. A keyboard will allow the user to play the flute, guitar, or tambourine, all from one device. Seek a keyboard with added features like this, eliminating the need to purchase additional instruments.

  • Cost

The cost of the keyboard is an important factor to consider when choosing a keyboard for your family. The cost of the keyboard varies depending on the features and brand chosen. However, unlike acoustic and digital pianos, keyboards tend to be less expensive. A good acoustic piano will cost several thousand dollars, exclusive of transportation, setup, and other costs. On the other hand, keyboards start from several hundred dollars, and a high-quality keyboard with all features inclusive will still cost you a fraction of the cost of a piano. The price will be lower, including the expenses for accessories like sustain pedals and stands. However, when considering costs, it is important to note that cheaper keyboards tend to be of lower quality, with fewer keys and less functionality compared to more expensive ones. However, it is possible to find a reasonably priced keyboard with all the appropriate attributes like weighted keys and 88 keys which will provide piano quality music at a fraction of the cost. 


Tech Digest Correspondent