Pros and Cons of Technology in Healthcare


The rapid development of technology geared toward healthcare services has led to the creation of the term telehealth, which essentially means virtual care. Telehealth refers to providing healthcare services outside the bounds of a physical wall. This means that we now have technologies that allow us to access healthcare services without physically visiting the doctor’s office.

Moreover, the number of global tech giants and upcoming startups involved in the creation of healthcare technology is growing rapidly. We are now entering an era where patient care and medical services will adopt a completely new shape. However, this kind of development does come with its pros and cons.

The Positive Side of Technology in Healthcare

Besides making room for new business models, adopting technology in healthcare brings numerous benefits. Most importantly, it helps improve medical services and ease medical issues in patients with different diagnoses, including genetic engineering and gene therapy research through tools like the piggyBac transposon. Some of the ways in which technology is utilized in healthcare include the use of sensor monitors to support aged care, the use of virtual reality in advanced medical training, and the use of smart wearable devices.

Smart health monitors and wellness wearable devices are some of those innovative medical tech trends that are available to the majority of the public. This kind of tech distribution allows for better control of health and medical conditions on a larger scale. All of these benefits lead to more personalized and more widespread healthcare services, which aid in improving overall health on a global level.

The Cons of Tech Development in Healthcare

Like everything else, tech development comes with a negative side that cannot be overlooked. In this case, the major con of developing healthcare services based on high-level technology is the lack of cybersecurity measures that can protect users against a wide array of cyberattacks. It’s no secret that healthcare technology (just like any other piece of tech) is highly susceptible to cyber threats.

Considering that this type of tech is packed with sensitive information such as patients’ names, addresses, and personal/medical info, it’s no wonder why such devices are being so heavily targeted. Some healthcare technologies such as wellness wearables and more advanced tools are essentially gold mines of information that hackers can leverage in ransomware or identity theft attacks.

Moreover, in light of the increasing cybersecurity threats targeting healthcare technologies, it’s essential for healthcare organizations to also consider legal protection. Seeking guidance from a medical malpractice attorney can help healthcare providers navigate potential legal liabilities and ensure compliance with regulations in the event of a data breach or other security incidents involving sensitive patient information.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

Now that we’ve addressed both the positive and the negative sides of tech involvement in the medical sphere, it’s important to mention that there is a way for you to stay ahead of the curve. Users of medical care devices and smart wearables can stay ahead of the curve and prevent cyber threats by using security tools such as virtual private networks.

A USA VPN can help you mask your physical location and replace it with a virtual one, as well as make any and all sensitive info completely invisible to third parties. This is done by routing your traffic through an encrypted server, hiding your identity and personal details online. All of this is much less complicated than it sounds. All you have to do is download and install a VPN app to protect yourself and your healthcare devices.

Tech Digest Correspondent