LG adds solar power to its ereaders


lg-solar-ebook.jpgLG is obviously working very hard on incorporating solar cell technology into as many of its gadgets as possible. A couple of weeks ago it launched the rather cool looking GD510 mobile which features a solar panel as an optional extra. Now it has unveiled a book reader which also has power courtesy of a thin solar cell.

The panel – which is 0.7mm in thickness and weighs 20gm, has been designed to fit into LG’s range of 6inch panel ereaders. Apparently four or five hours of sunlight will give the ereader enough power to keep the user reading for a whole day.

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One thought on “LG adds solar power to its ereaders

  • They’re working so hard at LG… that must be the reason why they used a PRS505 ebook reader from Sony in the photo… šŸ™‚ Very Funny…

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