Man makes LEGO DSi and stylus – nutter.


To celebrate the launch of the Nintendo DSi, some nut bag by the name of Sam Kenney has spent 200 hours building a giant LEGO replica of the popular handheld. It uses 51,324 blocks and features a large cat with big, yellow LEGO eyes along with the kind of paws that would probably feel really odd if it patted you for food.

For more on what the DSi can do, take a look over here

(via Gearfuse)

Daniel Sung
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  • uh, the little games when you press right rocker button do boot almost instantly. I wonder, how come that works and how can we get the whole caboodle to work instantly (I’m sure it involves Assembler – oh, the memories of those young years…)

  • That is so cool! It doesn’t make you a nutbag for being Artistically Creative! Lets see you build a GIANT REPLICA of a Nintendo DSi out of Legos! They should put that in Lego World! Good Job Sam Kenney I am very impressed.. šŸ™‚

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