Virtual Worlds Week: Second Life gets Facebook application

Facebook Applications, Virtual Reality


It was only a matter of time before Second Life was sucked into the parallel world of Facebook applications. Second Life Link is a new app that lets you show off your SL avatar on your Facebook profile, and show which of your Facebook friends are online in Second Life.

There’s also an option to specify your home or favourite SL location, allowing friends to teleport straight there from within Facebook. Makers Fire Centaur say privacy hasn’t been forgotten, so users can choose from several settings to decide whether or not their friends can see their online/offline status.

It’s a neat application, which since its still in beta has scope for new features to be added later. How long till some developer wizard creates a full Second Life browser that works as a Facebook application though, hmm? Yeah, I know, probably a loooong long time.

Second Life Link application (via New World Notes)

Check out more Virtual Worlds Week posts in our Virtual Reality category

Stuart Dredge
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  • This is a good idea, but only for residents in SL that are Augmentalists – people that use virtual worlds as an extension to their other social networking activities.
    Immersionalists on the other hand will find no value in it at all.
    Something else to consider here though, bearing in mind the target demographics of facebook is a similar app for other worlds such as There and Kaneva.

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