Tim Berners-Lee speaks out against DRM and for Net Neutrality


wotd.pngGrandfather of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, has appealed to the US Congress to protect the concept of Net Neutrality. He also questioned the value of Digital Rights Management (DRM)

He said that it was very important for lawmakers to protect the ability of users to access the web in the way they wanted to, regardless of their Internet service provider.

The Net deserves ‘special treatment’ to protect its non-discriminatory approach to content.

He also spoke out on the concept of one country or company controlling access to the Web.

Berners-Lee then challenged the concept of DRM, saying that open standards would do more for the Web than closed, restrictive DRM technologies, and that DRM may limit the market for digital music downloads. Copyright holders should ‘allow people to do the right thing’ by providing information on how to legally use the material, rather than forcing it using technology.

Many will disagree with him.

Andy Merrett
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