Word Top Tip – DIY AutoCue

Propellerhead Top Tip

Fancy trying your hand at being a newsreader or maybe you give lectures or demonstrations? If so then you will be interested in Propellerhead’s latest Word Week Top Tip. This obscure feature makes Word behave like a Teleprompter, automatically scrolling a document or script up or down the screen. To make it work right click into an empty area of the taskbar, select Customize then the Commands tab. In the Categories window select All Commands then in the right hand Commands window click, drag and drop AutoScroll onto the toolbar. Close the Customise box, click on the AutoScroll button and use your mouse to adjust the scrolling speed and direction by moving the arrow that appears in the right hand scroll bar, with a little practice you can control the speed quite accurately. To stop AutoScroll just click the left mouse button. There’s another Word tip tomorrow and you’ll find hundreds more to try on the BootLog website at www.rickmaybury.com

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