Simple secure music downloads on your mobile
Symbian phone owners will soon be able to download music tracks far more easily using a "tag to download" service that will let you get music in 3 steps. SDC, the company responsible for SDC Music Player for Symbian handsets has joined forces with Shazam Entertainment to develop a new service. This allows subsribers the ability to tag, purchase and download licensed tracks over mobile networks for playback and storage. The users don’t even need to know the name of the artist or song to access tracks since the service comes with music recognition features. Songs can be tagged on the music player app, and that data is then sent via the Shazam Server to the carrier’s mobile music shop server. The tune is then matched to the shop’s database and a buy button appears on the phone player. Tracks can then be copied and shared legally. The service will be extended to all OEMS and Operators who want to integrate the service directly into mobiles.