Gunners mobile – works in Europe too

Mobile phones

David Beckham isn’t the only world-class footballer pushing a mobile phone. Samsung and O2 have gone one better and nabbed arguably the best central midfielder in the world. Yes, Arsenal’s Patrick Vieira has laid his cards on the table and admitted he’s a Samsung V200 user with an O2 contract.

Of course this might have something to do with the fact that O2 sponsor the Gunners and that Samsung is the club’s chosen telecoms partner. The fact that the pair have just launched a special edition version of the V200 for Arsenal fans might also help explain some of his enthusiasm for the mobi.

Still, the Arsenal phone, which goes on sale only via a pay-as-you-go tariff for £300, includes some Gunners wallpaper, an animated Arsenal welcome and a collection of ringtones loved by the Highbury Library faithful including Volare, Patrick Vieira’s very own tune. Here’s hoping the phone travels better in Europe than the team.

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