Spotify API "not much use to anyone", say developers

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Developers aren’t too impressed with the much-trumpeted release of Spotify’s API. The blog post announcing the availability of the API, and the news article on Slashdot on the subject, are both peppered with comments about how limited the API actually is.

In fact, right now there’s only one thing you can do with it. Make a Spotify program that’ll let Premium subscribers listen on IA-32 Linux. That’s it. No websites, no mobile clients, no set-top boxes, or games consoles. Nothing. Certainly no making money off your application, even though you have to pay for a premium account to get an application key in the first place.

Now, to be fair to Spotify, they’ve said that they’ll expand things over time as they get used to running an API. But in its current state, the API is pretty much useless to 99.9% of people who want to do something with it. That’s a shame.

Libspotify (via Pansentient)