Tag: Microphone
The PSP Skype microphone and headset combi – finally pictured properly
The excruciatingly slow drip-drip-drip news of the arrival of PSP Skype finally reaches its DRAMATIC CONCLUSION today, with this – an official picture of the mess of cables, headphones, bendy call-centre microphone and little in-line volume controller needed to operate it.
It’s going to get amazingly tangled up. And surely any benefit that comes from being able to make free Skype calls on your PSP will be outweighed by the man-hours invested in untangling all that cabling each time you want to make a call?

Hide a GSM bug microphone in this pot-pourri, and eavesdrop on your 'friends'
For readers who saw the previous post and are now planning on holding your very own Taser party, but can’t not invite your bitchy neighbour Cynthia, because she lent you that cup of sugar that time, here’s a way to ensure she doesn’t gossip about your living-room colour scheme without you knowing about it.
It may look like a sweet (ok, Martha Stewart-approved) piece of decoration, but hidden inside the basket of pot-pourri is a GSM bug. Simply place by the cheese and crackers, and once she’s stuffing her face with…
Samson's G-Track features the first USB condenser microphone, perfect for X Factor hopefuls
Fancy looking like that in your bedroom? It can be possible, with Samson’s G-Track USB microphone, however painfully-professional-howl not included.
It’s a complete condenser microphone, and the world’s first USB-capable one, at that. It’s everything you need to be the next Mike Skinner and record your debut album from your wardrobe, with an in-built audio interface and mixer. All you need to do is connect it to your chosen instrument (it…
LightSnake USB intelligent microphone cable glows and flashes to sound
SoundTech have announced their LightSnake USB Intelligent Microphone Cable is now available. It features an embedded analogue to digital converter and a signal booster, and any standard microphone with XLR connections can be hooked up to it. Their patented…