Win ultra-rare, limited edition Mimobot USB memory sticks with Mimoco

Mimobots are those USB memory sticks for the design-fussy amongst us, who just won’t accept a bog-standard job from Dixons. Normally coming in limited edition sets of just a few thousand, and even Star Wars characters, which will be stocking shortly apparently, a UK exclusive we hear, they’ve suddenly got a lot more attractive.

Mimoco, the company behind the addictive geek apparel, have created a scavenger hunt where between now and the 24th of July (the day the annual Comic Con falls on, which I’d give my right leg to attend) they’ll be revealing one of the nine new Core Series 2 Mimobot USB memory sticks each day. If you happen to be the first to find the site with the ‘breaking news’…

Competitions, competitions competitions: Mobchargers and RealPlayer beta invitations, oh my!

Another day, another brilliant couple of competitions. Incase you missed them last week, we’re giving away 20 exclusive beta invitations to RealPlayer 11, which is a brilliant piece of software allowing you to download any form of video online, so you can view it from your desktop, also a bunch of Mobchargers, which are disposable pocket-sized mobile…