DailyLit gives you the world of the mind in bite-sized chunks


No, DailyLit is not encouraging you to become a zombie, stalking the streets. It’s emailing you controlled doses of the great (read, so to speak, big) books of literature, the kind that are so unwieldy that the very sight makes you want to use them to press flowers so you have an excuse to never disturb their leaves again. Various services have tried this in the past (and DailyLit itself is not exactly new) but screens have improved enough now that the idea of reading for pleasure on one is increasingly attractive. Feed your head something more than ephemera, give it timeless beauty. (Then come back for more blog posts.) [GT]

DailyLit [via OhGizmo]


Will ad-funded TV streams kill off the video download market?

stu-mugshot2.jpgStuart Dredge writes…

There’s no shortage of big firms trying to sell us video downloads, including Apple and Microsoft. In theory, they should be pushing at an open door. Faster broadband connections are more widespread, devices like Apple TV make it easy to watch these downloads on our proper TVs, and more people have video iPods or PMPs to watch these vids on the go, too.