TD Tips: Really expensive dream Christmas gifts – money no object


We’re sick of the credit crunch. In fact, I’m not going to mention it again in this post.

Christmas is about spending flipping great wads of cash on getting the wrong presents for your loved ones who then pretend to really like what you got them before shoving it in the cupboard or having the balls to ask you for the receipt.

If someone has offered you a bottomless purse for your gift this year, or you are a very rich but, until now, silent benefactor of either Gary, Andy, Duncan or me then here are a few ideas of what to get…

TD Tips: Self defence gadgets


Well, we thought we’d get a little more savory today after last week’s celebration of World Toilet Day here on TD Tips and instead we’ve chosen to take another serious issue and make is as silly as possible.

With all the media hoo-har over the possibility of handing potentially lethal taser weapons over to non-specialist trained police officers, who may or may not suffer inferiority complexes and large chips on their shoulders, we thought we’d take our pick of the best non-lethal self defence gadgets that money can buy.

The rules are…

TD Tips: Gadgets to use on the toilet


Today is World Toilet Day! Didn’t know that, did you? No, you probably won’t meet many people who knew about it either. Not exactly the first one you pen into your diary at the beginning of the year.

All the same, World Toilet Day is here, whether you’re ready or not, to celebrate the humble, yet vitally important, toilet and make us consider its importance. Two and a half billion worldwide go without one which is more than an icky thought when you consider the amount of problems caused in the spread of parasites and disease. So, next time you sit upon your cool, comfy piece of porcelain remember how lucky you are.

In the mean time, we at Tech Digest join in the World Toilet Day celebrations by considering what a wonderfully productive place the toilet can be. There’s plenty you can get done, apart from the obvious, and so, here for your questionable pleasure are our tips for our favourite gadgets to use on the toilet.

TD Tips: Portable Gaming


It’s that time of the week again. Time for us to pick a topic, seemingly at random, and tell you what you should buy to get the most out of it. This week it’s portable gaming devices. I’m being quite broad with that definition – I’m including anything from proper consoles, to mobile phones, to electronic sudoku on a keyring. Unsurprisingly, however, no-one plumped for the keyring…

TD Tips: Winter Gadgets


Gosh, did you get snow last night? We did. A veritable blizzard of the stuff. In London, too – a “heat island”. It got me thinking – we don’t get a lot of winter gadgets. Tonnes of summer ones, tonnes of Christmas ones, but no winter gadgets.

I sent the Tech Digest team hunting far and wide for the gadgets most useful when the nights draw in, but Dan got lost in the process, and has somehow ended up in the southern hemisphere, so I’m afraid there’s no gadget from him…

TD Tips: the best video games characters of all time

Sonic the Hedgehog was voted the UK’s favourite games character in a survey of 500 people as announced yesterday in a part of a promotion for the upcoming London Games Festival.

We were not particularly happy with this at Tech Digest. I was quite amused to see Blanka from Street Fighter make it to number 10 but, on the whole, the list was a rather bland collection of the Marios, Donkey Kongs and Lara Crofts of this world.

These are all very worthy characters but where’s the imagination? Where are those precious gaming memories? So, TD Tips today takes a slightly different turn in bringing you our favourite game characters of all time…

TD Tips: Where do I go out in the evening? – Top reviews, guides & listings websites

It’s all been a bit cash heavy in the last few weeks with the TD Tips for best mobile phone deals and expensive, stylish laptops. So, this week we bring you some blissfully wonga-free websites to tell you what’s worth doing in, around and nowhere near town at all. I can’t guarantee you won’t spend money when you get wherever you choose to go, but I can promise you five good ways of searching for what to do with your spare time.

So without any further ado, here are our tips for the top reviews, guides & listings websites…