Google Thanos to reveal Avengers: Endgame Easter egg promotion


The Google search engine is joining in the hype around the release of Avengers: Endgame by introducing a special Easter egg.

Type the name of villain Thanos into the search engine and click on the gold Infinity Gauntlet that appears on the right of the screen, and half the search results disappear.

The Thanos search results page
The Thanos search results page before clicking the Gauntlet (Screenshot)

For those not up to date on the Avengers universe – in previous film Infinity War, Thanos used the powerful Infinity Stones (of which there are six) to wipe out half of all life in the universe.

Half of the search results begin to disappear once the Gauntlet is clicked
Half of the search results begin to disappear once the Gauntlet is clicked (Screenshot)

The search result Easter egg allows users to restore the full results with a second click of the Gauntlet.

The film was released in the UK on Thursday and is expected to break several box office records over its opening weekend.

Chris Price
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