5 best alternatives to Tweetdeck


There’s been a murder – but like an African military dictator in London on a state visit, we know who did it, but there’s not a lot we can do about it. A few months ago Twitter finally killed off the old, long abandoned Adobe AIR Tweetdeck client when it changed how user authentication works. With it, it took out the great Twitter client ever. And if you’re a power Twitter user, no doubt you’ve been in mourning ever since. The stages of grief are well documented though – and at some point it really is time to move on. So here’s our pick of the best Tweetdeck alternatives.

James O’Malley
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One thought on “5 best alternatives to Tweetdeck

  • I have been using a lot of tools lately and one that i would want everyones opinion is sociota(dot)net. i have been using it for some time but would like to know more about it. Can any one help??

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