Energy-efficient lightbulbs causing TV channel change chaos … sort of

Energy & Efficiency, Tech Digest news, TVs, Weirdness

philips lightbulb.jpgGot a TV that’s been acting a little erratically recently? Try checking any nearby energy-efficient lightbulbs, as some are reporting that they are causing their TVs to change channel and switch themselves off seemingly at random.

Take the case of Emma and Alistair Clements, who found their Virgin Media box to have a life of its own.

“At first we thought it was the children’s sticky fingers on the remote control and that the buttons were sticking,” Emma told Guardian Money. “But the novelty soon began to wear off. With the new box it was worse, if anything.”

A sharp Virgin Media engineer suggested that a nearby Philips-branded energy-efficient lightbulb could be causing the problems, due to their flicker frequency interfering with infra-red remote control receivers. With the bulb unplugged, the problem was solved.

“Some very early compact fluorescent lamps, shortly after starting, could cause interference with TV controls due to the frequency of operation of the bulb and when placed near a TV,” said a Philips spokesperson. “The frequency was quickly changed many years ago and we have had no recent reported incidents.”

Philips are said to be investigating the light bulb in question. But with old-style traditional filament bulbs outlawed in the EU since 2008, the Clements family might want to stick with a laptop and iPlayer for uninterrupted TV viewing.

Via: Sky News

Gerald Lynch
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