Google turns to eBook sales but no device in sight - Tech Digest
Google is set to free eBooks from proprietary handhelds by selling digital works readable on any device that can access the web. The move is in direct competition Amazon and their Kindle who've upset publishers by selling digital first editions at less than half the price of hardback hard copy versions. Instead, Google will charge the same as in print while reserving the right to alter prices where deemed "exorbitant". Google already sells eBooks through the Sony Store for the Reader but this will take their literature retail in-house and bring novels to mobile phones and laptops everywhere. Personally, I rather like the idea of having a dedicated eBook reading device and I'm not sure I'm going to get a good experience on my mobile. I also don't feel too good about paying the same for a digital book as I do for a hardback, especially when Amazon is knocking them out so cheap. On the plus side, it does indicate there's a lot tablets out their about to hit the market. I'm sure Google would have an inkling of such things and that the likes of Qulacomm and whoever else will be most pleased by the news. Fingers crossed there'll be no international issues, or am I just dreaming here? (via NYT)
Daniel Sung