SHINY VIDEO REVIEW: LG Arena touchscreen mobile - Tech Digest
This week is Lucy's last week at Shiny. She's moving on to pastures new and video production values high but that still doesn't quite explain whoever it was that indulged her this nine minute review of the LG Arena. In Lucy's favour, it's a darn good review of this premium touchscreen handset from Korea's favourite brand and if you're thinking of buying one then look no further than this most thorough piece of bloggo-jounalism. Take it a away Luce... I've been lucky enough to be walking round with an Arena in my pocket (rather than just being pleased to see you) for the past few days and I'd have to agree with Ms Hedges that there's plenty for LG to be pleased about. The trouble is that they're on the market for £35 per month on an 18 month contract which puts it in a very similar class to the recently reduced iPhone 3G that sits at the same cost but for six months longer. So, the question is, is the Arena as good? For me, parts of the OS are a little over complicated with too many ways of performing the same operation and the touchscreen isn't quite as good as the iPhone, although better than the Renoir. What you do get that Apple doesn't offer is 5-megapixel camera, video capture, Bluetooth and Dolby surround sound. The FM transmitter is also a nice touch and good dig at all iDevices at the same time, which has to use a variety of poor auxiliary gizmos to play wirelessly through your radio. What you don't get with the Arena, though, is the App Store which is probably the most important pull of the iPhone 3G. They've laid down a lot of useful bits and pieces but it's not enough and, sadly, despite it being a very well manufactured handset, I can't see the Arena really competing. Having said that, there's a Phones4U deal over here for £25 per month with 600 minutes and 3,000 texts. Now, for that kind of money, they could be in business. LG Arena LG Renoir review:
Daniel Sung