Rumour: Samsung Omnia Pro with QWERTY keyboard - Tech Digest
On top of dropping Android handsets into the rumour mill this morning, Samsung's also throwing in an entry into the rumpus that'll be occurring this summer between the HTC Magic, new iPhone, Palm Pre, and Nokia N97. The Omnia Pro is just a rumour at the moment, but what a rumour - a 3.5" AMOLED display and 5-megapixel camera combine with a slide-out QWERTY to make a tasty set of specs. Apparently it'll be running Windows Mobile 6.1, but that'll be upgradable to 6.5 when it's released. Best of all, it's on the cards to cost very little - just €500. Whether that'll give it an advantage in a market that's more focused on specs than price remains to be seen, but the "current economic climate" should help. (via Engadget)
Duncan Geere