BARGAIN OF THE WEEK: Flatpack tabletop photographic studio


tabletop-studio.jpgIf you sell quite a few bits and pieces on eBay or want to scare your pets, then get your card out now because the tabletop photo studio will pay for itself in a matter of weeks – unless you just use it for scaring your pets, of course.

It’s a 20″ L x 20″ W x 20″ H light box with diffusers built-in and two choices of background to give you a guarantee of decent contrast. It folds up completely flat into a 2.72kg carry case and comes with two adjustable 35-watt lights on legs and a tripod for your camera as well; and all of that for just $99.95, making it my bargain of the week.

Hammacher Schlemmer (via Mark’s TB)

Daniel Sung
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