Atari 2600 lamp will light up your life - Tech Digest
The Atari 2600 defined a generation of videogames - from Pacman to Pitfall. From Atlantis to Adventure. And now you can remember it by lighting your room with a supersize joystick. It's been created by Instructables member Seamster, and although I'm a little too young to have owned a 2600 myself, I can appreciate the lamp's best feature - the big red button will turn it on and off. Awe-inspiring. Now to craft a lampshade shaped liked a Pac-man ghost... Giant Atari 2600 Joystick Lamp (via Kotaku) Related posts: CES 2009: Thrustmaster T.16000M joystick | "Hang and Play" joystick coathooks
Duncan Geere