Cram OS X on your netbook – compatibility chart

Computers, Laptops / Notebooks, OS X Leopard, Software

osx-netbook-chart.jpgOkay, hold up. You know that netbook of yours? With the tiny screen, and CD drive? What you wanna do with that, right, is put a banging donk on it. And once you’ve finished, you might think about installing OS X.

Rob Beschizza over at BoingBoing Gadgets has put together an awesome compatibility chart of which bits work with which netbooks on OS X.

Of course, it goes without saying that you’re going to need a dodgy copy of OS X, and you’ll need to be pretty comfortable with using the command line, too. The best little machines for the job? The Dell Mini 9 and the MSI Wind.

OS X Compatibility Chart

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Duncan Geere
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  • Same with the Wind, you need a Dell Wifi card. Easy to swap though.

    Unless you have the latest wind with the ‘n’ card. then your fine.

  • Yeah, we’re fixing mistakes in the chart. We’ve got it mostly cleaned up and added a couple more models.

    • Thanks, Rob. For the latest version of the chart, pop over to BoingBoing gadgets at the link above, guys.

  • I have the Aspire One, wifi needs hardware swap to work, ethernet works, audio works and BT needs a usb dongle to work as it’s not built in. So going off the errors for just that one model I wouldn’t trust the info in this chart too much!

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