Firebox launches 'CrapWrap' - intentionally awful wrapping for presents - Tech Digest
This tickled me a little, so I thought you might find it amusing too. Gadget and gift site Firebox will be offering a CrapWrap option alongside its more normal giftwrap options this year. CrapWrap allows you to send a loved one a package deliberately wrapped very very badly. It's like doing it yourself, but without the effort! Actually, that's a lie. I'm a bit of a wrapping ninja. You can be too - it's not tough. Follow the instructions on, and you'll be the one whose presents under the tree for others look just that little bit more special than everyone else's. Firebox CrapWrap Related posts: Ultra-retro Space Invaders wrapping paper | Wrappers delight - custom order your own notebook and gadget covers
Duncan Geere