Is LG's double-sided reflective display a prototype for next-gen book readers?



Though LG seems to be about to pull out of the OLED business, it has been pushing another new technology which could be very useful for powering the next generation of digital readers and other mobile devices.

At the International Meeting on Information Display, it’s shown off a 15-inch double-sided reflective display with a resolution of 512 x 384 pixels, and a 13.3-inch reflective display with 1,280 x 800 resolution. These ECB-mode displays could be used in mobile devices that can be seen easily in bright light/sunlight.

A quick trawl around the Internet showed me that there are many technologies being developed for these reflective displays, and I’m nowhere near expert enough to know just how good LG’s prototype is. The stats for the 15-incher: aperture ratio of 46%, reflectance ratio of 20%, and colour gamut of 12%. The 13.3-inch display has a reflectance ratio of over 20%. If you’re an expert, feel free to contribute in the comments below.

In very simple terms, a double-sided display could create some interesting possibilities for dual screen readers and mobile devices that don’t leave you squinting, desperately trying to read your text messages or PDFs while sunbathing.

(Via Tech-On)

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Andy Merrett
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