Mauritian Sunset – best use of old PCs ever


martian-sunset.jpgWhere the hell was British artist Sandy Smith when I was trying to chuck out my old 486 and 10 tonne CRT? I shudder to think of the humping of grey hardware the poor lass had to do to build this awesome wall of tower PC art that she calls the Mauritian Sunset.

Somewhere I read someone had mistakenly called this the Martian Sunset and in some ways I think that’s more appropriate. I can imagine a heap like this being all that remains of a long dead society. In fact, it’s a rather depressing thought that human beings could be judged by mid-nineties hardware. I’d hate to be represented by a Tamagotchi.

Anyway enough of my waffle. Instead, sit back, string up your computer cable hammocks, pour yourself a glass of WD40 and bask in the beautiful rays of these flickering VDUs. Bootiful.



Sandy Smith (via Newlaunches)

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Daniel Sung
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