Miss World "gets with the programme" – IPTV ogling channel launched

Broadband, Internet, Web 2.0, Websites

miss-world-iptv-and-interactive-web-site.jpgOh yes. Today could finally be the day that people bother working out what exactly IPTV is, and how it works, then find a way of getting it. Because, as well as a new intercative web site, the Miss World contest has embraced the IPTV scene.

The streaming video channel, created by Internet Television Productions Ltd, will allow men to “engage and interact with Miss World,” adding several thousand extra geeks on top of the staggering 2.2 billion viewers the global meat market pageant attracts.

It will, basically, let you decide if it’s going to be Miss Venezuela or Miss Trinidad & Tobago “for the win” in more detail than ever before. Hopefully it will be pausable and rewindable, and therefore useful if one “pops out” or falls over during the swimwear round. The tournament starts on October 4. Start your warm-up exercises now.

(Via The Hosts)

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Gary Cutlack
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