iPhone drought worsens – Carphone Warehouse has now completely run out


empty_box.jpgFollowing an extremely generous £100 price cut, 8GB iPhones have been absolutely flying off the shelves of O2 and the Carphone Warehouse. In fact the scheme has been so successful that Carphone Warehouse doesn’t have a single one left.

The company sent an email yesterday asking that the £100-off promotion adverts be pulled, stating “The Carphone Warehouse is now out of stock on the Apple iPhone”.

All very nice for the Carphone Warehouse, I’m sure – but where does that leave potential 16GB iPhone price cuts and the arrival of the 3G model?

Apple has still yet to announce a new model, although the world and his dog knows that it will do sooner or later. Latest analysis says June. Seriously, they opened their Girls of Hollyoaks calendar at random and June came out nearly three times in a row.

That bodes reasonably well for a similar sale on 16GB models; better 3G coverage in the UK means that there may be even more demand for the 3G iPhone model (I’m holding out for one) and, assuming the same distribution deal continues for O2 and Carphone Warehouse, they’ll want to shed the old EDGE stock before hand.

Carphone Warehouse (via Pocket Lint)

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  • The blog has a full of inofrmation which I have been looking for and not only this it also helps us in getting the correct facts and figures. The blogger has done a really good work in updating his blog. Keep it up

  • Nonsense, I’m just going to keep moaning until someone takes pity on me and sends me one. Then I’ll claim it wasn’t cool in the first place.

  • Well, you are just going to have to wait for the 3G model then aren’t you! I would guess WWDC? or before if the world runs out of old ones!

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