Sanyo's little Eneloop electric pocket heater


sanyo-eneloop-warmer.jpgAbout 20 years ago you could buy small paper packets of hazardous chemicals, which, when shaken vigorously, would start up a chemical reaction and stay hot for a few hours. Then you threw it in the bin. It was a Christmas morning novelty.

How technology has improved! Battery maker par excellence Eneloop (a part of Sanyo) has revealed its rechargeable pocket heater, a fashionable little white egg thing that gets warm on demand. Charge it up, and you can heat a small, round part of your body for five solid hours.

Not the most environmentally sound way to keep your hands and genitals warm this winter and more than a slight waste of electricity, but if you plug it in and charge it up at work it is at least a free source of heat for the cold winter evenings.

(Via Warm up those RSI-ridden hands with a pair of USB heating gloves
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Gary Cutlack
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  • Still just because the name doesn’t say pants warmer doesn’t mean you can’t use it like that! That looks an amazing product. So small yet a great gift. This has put a smile on my face but I think it will be some time before I carry around a “white egg” to keep me warm.

  • The kairo is able to be slipped in a glove or mitten, as well as easily slipped in a jacket pocket to help keep you warm. This is not really a product to be placed in your pocket. In Japan, where this was created, putting your hands in your pockets when you are talking to someone is rude–hence ‘hand warmer’. If it was meant to be in your pants pocket, it would have been called a ‘pocket warmer’…

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