Pocket Cyberman Etch-A-Sketch - Tech Digest
Ever wonder what's inside the head of a Cyberman? Get your own 10cm pocket type with the Cyberman Etch-A-Sketch and it can be whatever you can squiggle on there with the little silver knobs. The head flips up to show a tiny but entirely functional version of the gray plastic screen we all know and love. While it claims to be an "ages 4+" item I'm sure they'll be showing up in the pockets of more than a few so-called adults. £8. [GT] Cyberman Etch-A-Sketch Related posts Doctor Who has Kylie, Catherine Tate, Whogasms AND gadgetry: a round-up of the best of the best One Minute Review: Cyberman helmet Cyberman Voice Changer Helmet - become a Doctor Who villain
Gabrielle Taylor